
Home & Décor
UI / UX Design, Animations, Laravel Development

About illus

ILLUS dedicates itself to provide human oriented architectural lighting solution and products for indoor and outdoor applications. A truly innovative company, ILLUS has always been at the forefront of professional office lighting since inception.

Since then ILLUS continues developing innovative, custom lighting solutions that meet extremely exacting requirements in terms of ergonomics, economic efficiency and environmental compatibility and also deliver aesthetic added value to our customers.

Project Summary

The worlds most respected lighting solution provider, but their website design is outdated and not up to industry standards. As a result, potential clients may perceive the company as unprofessional or not technologically advanced enough to meet their needs.

Additionally, the website’s design is confusing and its messaging is unclear, which may cause potential clients to leave the site before fully understanding what illus has to offer.

The Challenges

Old website has too much information, low-resolution graphics, and lengthy text. Making it difficult to focus on what is important.


The Outcome

LEZ Solutions successfully delivered all their tasks with latest trends and cutting-edge technologies such as Laravel, GSAP, and ScrollMagic. Improving their overall look & feel plus grabbing potential customer’s attention.

Focused improvements:

Overall, a website redesign that focuses on motion filled user experience, clear messaging, and showcasing Illus products can help the company attract and retain more customers.

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